Comparison of two methods for factor five Leiden detection in patients with thromboembolism
Mohammad Ghorbani, Mohsen Hamidpour, Mahmoud Reza Nematallahi, Hamid Reza Niazkar
Introduction: Factor five Leiden is one of the most important hereditary risk factors for thrombotic events, especially in an early age and during pregnancy patients. Therefore, detection of the factor in the thrombotic events is one of the diagnostic priorities. We can detect this factor in the laboratory thorough two common tests such as Activated protein C resistance and molecular methods especially PCR-RFLP. In this study we evaluated the sensitivity and specificity of the APCR test in comparison of PCR-RFLP the golden diagnostic test for Factor Five Leiden.
Materials and Methods: In this research, we have been studied fifty six patients with vascular thrombosis, who visited thrombosis clinical center in Imam Khomeini Hospital. After confirming the DVT diagnosis and pulmonary embolism, blood samples were collected in 3.2% sodium citrate tubes for APCR test, and in K2EDTA CBC tubes for molecular tests.
Results: Fifty six DVT patients, including 26 males (44.6%) and 30 females (55.4%), from 1 year up to 50 years old with mean age of 28.9 ± 10.76 were studied. According to PCR-RFLP test out of the 56 patients, 15 (26.7%) had heterozygous and 5 (8.9%) homozygous mutation for factor V Leiden. The very same 20 patients had positive APCR results (Rate of less than 2 and time less than 120 seconds were considered positive), in conclusion the results of the two tests were 100% compatible.
Discussion and Conclusion: In populations where other mutations resistant to active protein C such as factor V Cambridge, R2 polymorphism and factor V Liverpool have low prevalence, by removing the intervening factors such as Lupus Anticoagulant antibody, the APCR test could be considered equally sensitive and specific as PCR-RFLP test and can be used for factor V Leiden detection by spending less time and money.