Интегративные нейронаучные исследования


Connecting networks brain and behavior in clinical neuroscience.

Tobias Jonas

If one had to write a one-sentence summary of a century of research into human behavior and the processes that underlie it, a good candidate would be: “it’s complicated”. Indeed, the complexities encountered at every level of analysis, from the neural underpinnings of cognitive and affective processes to the intricacies of behavior itself, are astounding and we are just beginning to realize the magnitude of the undertaking that (neuro) psychology has ventured on. In the previous years, notwithstanding, we have seen an intriguing turn: rather than deploring intricacy as an issue, novel techniques have utilized intricacy as strength, and have brought to bear novel experiences from the area of organization science to reveal insight into the theme. Two such regions are neuroscience, where network examination has turned into a typical approach to thinking about the mind, and psychopathology, where the collaborations between side effects are reconceptualized as organization structures. However, how might we interface such various degrees of examination? Associations between neurons in our mind, communications between mental states, and social relations we participate in all structure organizations, however how could we conceive the relations between networks that exist at such various levels? This question requires the advancement of strategies fit to interface network investigations executed at unmistakable degrees of examination. This paper gives an outline of systemic methodologies that can be utilized to couple network examinations at the mind and conduct levels, delineates their application to the instance of chemical imbalance, and talks about open issues and roads for additional turn of events