Интегративные нейронаучные исследования



Francisco Antonio da Cruz Mendonça

The Psychotherapist’s Success Guide: Creating a Principled, Profitable, Paperless Private Practice


Dr. William Whitehead, Ph.D., Psychologist, CEO of TherapyAppointment


1.   Abstract:

Presentation learning objectives. 


1.    Learn the nuts and bolts of outfitting a private practice office

2.    Learn which forms of advertising work and don't work

3.    Learn the minimum requirements for HIPAA compliance

4.    Learn how to use a practice management system to organize office tasks, schedule clients, chart, bill insurance, and more

5.    Learn when to expand your practice to additional offices and therapists


"Taking the leap" into private practice can be an intimidating process, creating many unanswered questions:


How do I choose a location? How do I fund the startup? How do I choose a business entity, like an LLC or an S-corporation? What paperwork is involved? Do I need a front office? How do I file insurance? What kinds of advertising work (and don't)? What percentage of fees will I actually take home? Should I offer online therapy?  How do I avoid burnout? When should I think about expanding my practice?




2.     Biography

After 25 years in private practice and a term as President of the Dallas Psychological Association, I developed TherapyAppointment, a practice management software system now used by over 12,000 therapists nationwide. It serves an "electronic front office" to organize the workflow for busy therapists. I have been a paid keynote speaker at the Texas Psychological Association’s annual meeting, discussing HIPPA, EMR’s, and professional ethics. My book on creating and growing private practice is due to be published later this year. I conducted face to face interviews with therapists in several states to gather information for the book; video excerpts from these interviews will be included in my presentation. 

3.     Publication of speakers – minimum 5 publications and maximum 10 publication

This presentation will cover every aspect of starting or growing an ethical private practice. It is intended to cover what wasn’t taught in graduate school: the practical side of private practice. The principles discussed in the presentation apply to any therapist discipline. The video interviews of therapists (including social workers) include their thoughts on the pitfalls and rewards of a career as a private practitioner.

4.     Full name of conference, city, dates

       Annual Psychiatrists and Psychologists Meet ,July 20-21, 2020 Webinar

5.     Abstract Citation: