Интернет-журнал отоларингологии


Pediatric Endoscopy in Otorhinolaryngology at Yalgado Ouedraogo Teaching Hospital

Bakyono E*, Goueta A, Zaghre N, Martial Nao EE, Yanogo A, Gyebre YMC, Ouoba K

Background: Endoscopy is a common surgical procedure in the exploration and treatment of ENT pathology. Our purpose is to study rigid endoscopy contribution in paediatric patients in ENT. Methodology: We therefore conducted a retrospective study of 10 years from January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2013 in ENT unit at Yalgado Ouedraogo teaching hospital in Ouagadougou. Results: A total of 629 children who received rigid endoscopy was collected, representing 35.5% of the surgical procedures performed in children. The average age of the patients was 4.5 years. 0 to 5 years old age group was the most represented with a male. The esophagoscopy has been performed with 63.1% of the cases. Foreign bodies were the most frequent findings with 74.7% of the cases. We noted 2.9% of complications including 1.3% of reversible cardiorespiratory arrest and 1.3% of deaths. Conclusion: Endoscopy is an important surgical procedure that should not be trivialized.