Журнал исследований рыболовства


Some morphometric and meristic characteristic of hybrid from albino clarias and normal clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822)

Apollos Garba T*

A research was conducted to determine the morphometric and meristic characteristic of hybrid (cross between normal Clarias and albino Clarias through artificial breeding using the following matting combination. Clarias gariepinus Albino male (?) x Clarias gariepinus albino female (?), Clarias gariepinus albino female (?) x Claris gariepinus normal male (?), Clarias gariepinus normal male (?) x Clarias gariepinus albino female (?) and normal Clarias gariepinus male (?) x normal Clarias gariepinus female (?). Ten (10) morphometric and meristic characters were examined in samples from each mating combination. A total of 40 fishes were considered. Total length were measured using measuring board, weight were taken using sensitive weighing balance and others parameters were evaluated to the nearest 0.1 mm with digital Vanier caliper. The meristic count were measured using hand lens and a dissecting microscope. From the result obtained, the intermediate morphological traits of the two different coloured hybrids suggest that they are product of true fission of the genome of two different coloured fishes, except for some of the hybrid especially the reciprocal hybrids of female albino and normal male. All the morphometric and meristic characters are the same with their parent. The crosses of normal pigmented and albino Clarias gariepinus produces normal pigmented heterozygote with white and black patches on the body. Combine in the offspring and the offspring simultaneously demonstrates both parent phenotypes. The hybrid of female albino and normal male (AA? x NN?), male albino and female normal (AA? x NN?) had brownish colour phenotypically. Therefore, this external features characteristic of both male and female used for each hybridization exercise seemed to have little to no influence to the external features of the resulting hybrid