Биомедицинские исследования


The short-term effects of various xenografts on bone healing in rats cranial defects

Hakan Develioglu, Gonen Ozcan, Sibel Elif Gultekin, Burcu Senguven, Ali Yildirim

Purpose: Xenografts can be used in dentistry and medicine for both clinical and experimental purposes. The goal of the investigation was to observe the short-term bone building outcomes of two xenografts (Gen Os and Gel 40) in the cranial bone defects in rats.

Methods: Twelve rats were divided into two groups randomly, and a total of 24 parietal bone defects were created on the parietal bones. The symmetrical defects were in the critical size 5 mm and circular, which were treated with Gen Os in group 1, with Gel 40 in group 2, and symmetrical defects left empty as the controls. Rats were sacrificed 40 d after surgery, and the block sections, including the defects, were removed. The bone formation was assessed both histologically and histomorphometrically.

Results: There was more bone building in the test groups when compared to the controls (p<0.05). Besides, no difference was seen between the two test groups (p>0.05). A significant difference was also found among the three groups regarding the inflammation scores (p<0.05).

Conclusion: Within the limitations of the study, it can be concluded that both materials were osteoconductive, and more bone building was proved in the Gel 40 group.

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