Объем 29, Проблема 12 (2018)
In vitro antitumor activity of chemical constituents of EtOAc extract from Artemisa gmelinii
Prediction system for heart disease using Naive Bayes and particle swarm optimization
Fall risks factors among home-based health care patients in the Aseer province: Observational study
Pattern of use of epinephrine as anti-anaphylactic at a university hospital, Saudi Arabia
Comparison of the outcomes of different human spermatozoa selection methods in assisted reproduction
Effects of human full-length amelogenin on the proliferation of human osteoblasts
The prevalence of drug-drug interactions and polypharmacy among elderly patients in Jordan
Impact of smartphone usage on cervical proprioception and balance in healthy adults
Calpain inhibitor AK 295 inhibits calpain-induced apoptosis and damage in rat kidney
Effect of self-management interventions on complications of atrial fibrillation: A clinical trial
Finite element approach towards impact analysis on biomechanical nature of cornea