Журнал интенсивной и интенсивной терапии


Comparing culture's on comprehensions about cultural competence training and nursing in different countries.

Deng Sieber

Healthcare professionals worldwide are needed to deliver care for an adding number of culturally and linguistically different cases. Problems related to language and artistic issues are recognised as a trouble to cases ’ safety in hospitals and the conception of artistic capability has gained attention as a strategy to give equal and quality healthcare services for culturally different case groups. Cultural capability is known as amulti-dimensional construct, but it generally refers to a person’s artistic perceptivity or stations, artistic mindfulness and artistic knowledge and chops. In the healthcare setting, artistic capability is defined as an understanding of how social and artistic factors impact the health beliefs and behaviours of cases and how these factors are considered at different situations of a healthcare delivery system to assure quality healthcare. Effective communication between healthcare providers and cases is known to be necessary for quality healthcare.