Журнал болезней растений и биомаркеров

Рекомендации для авторов

Политика и процедуры публикации

Обзор процесса

Все материалы, поступающие в журналы, подаются вслепую и рецензируются членами редакционной коллегии. Сначала редактор журнала проверяет статьи на соответствие и использует инструмент проверки плагиата, чтобы убедиться, что работа не является плагиатом. Затем редактор рассылает рукопись двум рецензентам, не раскрывая личности авторов или другого рецензента. Результаты рецензирования конфиденциально доставляются редактору, который затем проверяет отзывы рецензентов, чтобы убедиться, что комментарии релевантны и не содержат дискриминации, прежде чем отправлять комментарии обратно авторам. Авторам предоставляется возможность вносить изменения в свои рукописи на основе полученных отзывов. Переработанные статьи отправляются обратно редакторам, которые отправляют исправленную статью первоначальным рецензентам. Отзывы второго раунда проверок обрабатываются таким же образом. В редких случаях авторам предоставляется второй шанс отредактировать и повторно представить свои статьи, если после первой проверки они не будут признаны приемлемыми.

Гарантийные обязательства авторов и соглашение о публикации, а также передача авторских прав

All authors of accepted manuscripts warrant that the manuscript is original and has not been submitted for publication or published elsewhere. All of the authors further warrant that, where necessary, they have obtained necessary releases from companies or individuals involved in or with the manuscript. All authors further warrant that the undersigned are the sole authors of this work. All authors hereby authorize the Союзные академии to publish the manuscript in the aforementioned Journal and, in consideration of the publication of the manuscript, agree to hold the Союзные академии, its assigns, affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, employees, directors and agents harmless and agree to defend the Союзные академии, its assigns, affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, employees, directors and agents in any action for damages which might arise as a direct or indirect result of the publication of the manuscript and to defend the Союзные академии, its assigns, affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, employees, directors and agents from third party liability associated with the manuscript and its publication. In consideration of the publication of the manuscript, all authors expressly assign ownership of the copyright and all rights to the manuscript to Союзные академии, and all authors expressly grant to Союзные академии, or its assigns, affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, employees, directors or agents: 1. The right to edit, clarify and shorten the manuscript, if the Союзные академии deems it necessary; and, 2. The right to republish, amend and summarize all or part of the manuscript in any compilation of manuscripts which the Союзные академии might publish, and, 3. The right to make the manuscript and the journal in which it is published available to databases, or distributors which might be involved in disseminating manuscripts or journals to various audiences.

Types of Manuscripts

- Theoretical and Empirical Manuscripts
The Союзные академии affiliates which handle theoretical and empirical manuscripts can be found on our Journal Matrix. These editorial guidelines reflect the Academies' policy with regard to reviewing theoretical and empirical manuscripts for publication and presentation in each of these affiliates. The primary criterion upon which manuscripts are judged is whether the research advances the discipline. The specific guidelines which are followed by referees is displayed on the following page. It shows the areas of evaluation to which each manuscript is subjected. Key points include currency, interest, and relevancy. Theoretical manuscripts are particularly vulnerable to problems in literature review. In order for theoretical research to advance a discipline, it must address the literature which exists in the discipline to support conclusions or models which extend knowledge and understanding. Consequently, referees for theoretical manuscripts pay particular attention to completeness of literature review and appropriateness of conclusions drawn from that review. Empirical manuscripts are particularly vulnerable to methodological problems. In order to advance the literature, empirical manuscripts must employ appropriate and effective sampling and statistical analysis techniques. However, empirical papers must also incorporate thorough literature reviews in order to advance the literature. Referees will pay close attention to the conclusions which are drawn from statistical analyses and their consistency with the literature. As the last question on the referee guidelines suggests, we ask referees to be as specific as possible in indicating what must be done to make a manuscript acceptable for journal publication. This embodies a primary objective of the Academy: to assist authors in the research process. Our Editorial Policy is one which is supportive, rather than critical. We encourage all authors who are not successful in a first attempt to rewrite the manuscript in accordance with the suggestions of the referees. We will be pleased to referee future versions and rewrites of manuscripts and work with authors in achieving their research goals.

+ Educational and Pedagogic Manuscripts
The Союзные академии affiliates which handle educational and pedagogic manuscripts can be found on our Journal Matrix. These editorial guidelines reflect the Academies' policy with regard to reviewing educational and pedagogic manuscripts for publication and presentation in each of these affiliates. The primary criterion upon which manuscripts are judged is whether the research advances the teaching profession. The specific guidelines which are followed by referees is displayed on the following page. It shows the areas of evaluation to which each manuscript is subjected. Key points include currency, interest, relevancy and usefulFness to educators. In order for educational or pedagogic manuscripts to be useful to educators, they must address appropriate literature to support conclusions, teaching methodologies or pedagogies. Consequently, referees pay particular attention to completeness of literature review and appropriateness of conclusions drawn from that review. Pedagogies or teaching methodologies must be well described with sound foundations in order to be useful to educators. Referees will pay particular attention to such issues in judging manuscripts. In every case, educational or pedagogic manuscripts must embody well developed and well documented ideas in order to be useful to educators. Referees will pay close attention to the ideas presented in the manuscript and how well they are presented and supported. As the last question on the referee guidelines suggests, we ask referees to be as specific as possible in indicating what must be done to make a manuscript acceptable for journal publication. This embodies a primary objective of the Academy: to assist authors in the research process. Our Editorial Policy is one which is supportive, rather than critical. We encourage all authors who are not successful in a first attempt to rewrite the manuscript in accordance with the suggestions of the referees. We will be pleased to referee future versions and rewrites of manuscripts and work with authors in achieving their research goals.

- Cases

The International Academy for Case Studies is the Союзные академии affiliate which handles cases, publishes proceedings and the Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies. These editorial guidelines reflect the Academy's policy with regard to reviewing cases for publication and presentation. The Academy is interested in cases in any discipline, any area, and any subject. Cases may be any length and any level of difficulty. The Academy strongly believes that any subject and any course can benefit from well prepared cases. To that end, we judge submissions to conferences and for journal consideration on the value of the case as a teaching tool. Cases may be presented in narrative style or in dialogue. The case should provide sufficient information to be able to accomplish the case objectives, and should be written in a fashion to draw and hold student attention. Cases should focus upon a decision point and should lead a reader to a point at which some decision or series of strategies must be developed. The student's task should be to analyze the case and any outside information which is pertinent and to formulate a course of action. Referees will be most concerned about the development of a strong decision point. Cases must be accompanied by an Instructor's Note, which will be described in following sections. Cases may be any length and need not conform to any specific guidelines. We encourage case authors to use writing styles and approaches which they believe will be useful in making the case an appropriate teaching tool. Cases may be drawn from field research. In such cases, publication permission from an appropriate officer in the business should be obtained. Cases may also be drawn from library research, public or published sources. Finally, cases may be designed by the case writer to illustrate a specific point or problem or to facilitate student mastery of concepts. Cases must begin with a description of the case which identifies the area, difficulty level, and length of the case. It is important that authors choose a single subject for the primary focus of the case. Please be aware that a case appropriate for any given level can also be used by higher levels. The reverse is not necessarily true. A case appropriate for use at the graduate level would be appropriate for advanced seniors, but not for typical seniors. Authors should be guided in their classification by considering appropriateness for typical college students at the various levels of study. The case description should follow the format described in the following section.


The primary subject matter of this case concerns (choose one discipline or subject). Secondary issues examined include (list as many secondary issues as the case contains). The case has a difficulty level of (choose one of the following: one, appropriate for freshman level courses; two, appropriate for sophomore level courses; three, appropriate for junior level courses; four, appropriate for senior level courses; five, appropriate for first year graduate students; six, appropriate for second year graduate students; seven, appropriate for doctoral students). The case is designed to be taught in (indicate how many) class hours and is expected to require (indicate how many) hours of outside preparation by students.


The Editors encourage authors to be creative in this section. Use of selected dialogue from the case, comments about class usefulness or student responses to use of the case, or any other information which authors feel is valuable may be used. The synopses should capture the attention and interest of users. The synopsis should follow the format described in the following section.


In this section, present a brief overview of the case. The synopsis should be a maximumof 300 words. Be creative. This section will be the primary selling point of your case. Use this section to sell your case.


The body of the case should follow the synopsis. This section should use headings to divide the case as appropriate. The body should be well organized and flow through to the decision point and the closure of the case.


Instructor's Notes may be the most important aspect of a case. They lead an instructor through the case and support the design and execution of the teaching of the case. They should be designed for less experienced case users and should make teaching the case an interesting and successful process. The note should conform to a standard approach and should contain sections as described in the following subheadings.


Case Notes should begin with a repeat of the case title and authors. The Note should include a description of the case and present any pertinent information about the case or how it was developed. Explain how the case might be used in a class and discuss specific strategies and recommendations for teaching approaches, student assignments, or presentation methods.


The Note should continue with a case overview. Describe for the instructor what the case contains, point out pertinent information or issues, and review the material presented. This is an important aspect of the Note because it allows instructors to see what students should be extracting as they read the case.


Some users like to have questions included in a case to start discussion. Others like to devise their own approach to using an individual case. Consequently, the Editors recommend that discussion questions appear in the Instructor's Note. This allows a case user to make an individual choice about utilizing or assigning questions. Present questions which can be used as student assignments or in class discussions of the case. For each question, provide an answeror response. Arrange the questions so that answers immediately follow each question. Discussion questions often take the form of an analysis. Financial analyses, environmental analyses, market assessments, etc., frequently are valuable aspects of teaching a case. If an analytic question is posed, case authors should include complete analyses as the answer for that question. For open ended or broad discussion questions, include possible answers or responses which could occur and describe how such questions can be used in the classroom.


If additional information is provided, such as industry notes, industry averages, comparison data, etc., include it in the Note as exhibits. Explain the information included, and describe its use in teaching the case.


If appropriate, include an epilogue which describes what actually happened or displays any information which you think might be of interest to instructors or students. An epilogue might not be appropriate for all cases, so feel free to omit this section.


The exhibit on the following page displays the referee guidelines for reviewing cases and instructor's notes. As the guidelines suggest, primary importance is placed on readability, interest, and usefulness as a teaching tool.


As the last question on the referee guidelines suggests, we ask referees to be as specific as possible in indicating what must be done to make a case acceptable for journal publication. This embodies a primary objective of the Academy: to assist authors in the research process. Our Editorial Policy is one which is supportive, rather than critical. We encourage all authors who are not successful in a first attempt to rewrite the manuscript in accordance with the suggestions of the referees. We will be pleased to referee future versions and rewrites of manuscripts and work with authors in achieving their research goals.

Additional Policies

Discontinued Journals

Journals that become discontinued for any reason will remain archived on the Journal's website indefinitely. These discontinued journals will be open to the general public and continue to be available in various indexes and repositories.

Retractions and Corrections

Если какую-либо статью необходимо удалить из уже опубликованного журнала, эта статья будет удалена из PDF-версии журнала таким образом, чтобы не изменить номера страниц других статей, опубликованных в этом выпуске журнала. . С авторов удаленной рукописи может взиматься плата за перепечатку (если применимо). Исправленные версии журнала будут доступны на веб-сайте журнала, а также во всех применимых указателях.

Исправления, которые необходимо внести в уже опубликованный журнал, будут обрабатываться таким образом, чтобы они не затрагивали другие статьи, опубликованные в этом номере. Если исправление вызвано ошибкой автора, может взиматься плата за перепечатку. Исправления, возникшие по вине издателя, будут обработаны бесплатно. Исправленные версии журнала будут доступны на веб-сайте журнала, а также во всех применимых указателях.


Решение о размещении рекламы в журнале принимает исполнительный директор. Реклама, которая может быть подходящей, включает, помимо прочего: высшие учебные заведения, исследовательские организации, издательские компании, академические организации, услуги по оказанию помощи в написании и переводе, компании, индексирующие журналы, организаторов конференций, координаторов мероприятий и тому подобное. В настоящее время принимаются следующие виды рекламы: графические и текстовые объявления, размещаемые на веб-сайте журнала, а также графические и текстовые объявления, включенные в основную часть журнала.

Стоимость подачи, обработки и публикации рукописи

После принятия Авторы уплачивают сбор за публикацию в размере 719 долларов США.